Hazel Jones

Hazel Jones is Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London and lately Courtesy Research Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Florida. She received a BSc degree in Physiology (University College London), MSc in pharmacology (Oxford) and PhD in Zoology (University of Hull).

From 1991 she was Research Professor at the University of Florida. During her career she researched on comparative and developmental aspects of cerebrospinal fluid circulation, developmental aspects of the blood-brain barrier and brain electrolyte homeostasis, and on rodent models of inherited congenital hydrocephalus.

In 2004 she returned to the UK and started as Editor in Chief of the journal Fluids and Barriers of the CNS (previously Cerebrospinal Fluid Research).


To contact Hazel Jones please send an e-mail at board@ishcsf.com.
