We are delighted to launch the call for abstracts for the upcoming Hydrocephalus 2022 Annual Meeting, to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, between 9-12 September 2022, IN-PERSON!
The International Organizing Committee of the Meeting welcomes the submission of original contributions on the Progress and Controversies in Hydrocephalus.
We are also pleased to announce that this year’s Young Investigators Awards will be more than ever! We have increased the number of awards AND the prizes for the winners, and we very much look forward to receiving ground-breaking research from our young scientists.
Consult the updated Thematic Topics and submit your abstract until 2 May 2022!
We kept the best for last: Presenting your abstract at Hydrocephalus 2022 also gives you the option to publish it to the highly acclaimed Journal “Fluids and Barriers of the CNS”, with 2-year impact factor 7.662!