208 videos found
S3. Madeleine Braun – Levels of inflammatory cytokines MCP-1, CCL4 and PD-L1 in CSF differentiate idiopathic normal pressure hyd
S3. Michael Egnor – A model of normal pressure hydrocephalus as a disorder of intracranial thermodynamics
S6. Eleanor Ferris – The aetiological distribution of paediatric hydrocephalus in Asia, a systematic review and meta-analysis
S6. Ergin Deniz – Modeling congenital hydrocephalus genes SMARCC1 and TRIM71 in the Xenopus model system
S6. Kristopher Kahle – Genetic determinants and molecular mechanisms of human cerebral ventricular size and congenital hydroceph
S6. Michael Muhonen – Virtual Off on CertasPlus programmable valve. Not really off, Serendipitous clinical utility in patients w
S6. Nidaa Ahmed – Patterns of clinical presentation of pediatric hydrocephalus at The National Center for Neurological Sciences
S6. Olivier Baledent – Cerebrospinal fluid oscillations and cerebral blood flows in hydrocephalus premature infants who have had
S6. Pat McAllister – CSF-based extracellular vesicle signaling and related T-cell activation mediate the pathogenesis of post-he
S6. Thomas Freiman – Adjustable ventriculoperitoneal shunt valve for the treatment of hydrocephalus in newborns
S8. Ahmad Faryami – A flow optimized ventricular catheter; flow redistribution, shear reduction, and reduced astrocytic activati
S8. Ahmad Faryami – Quantitative analysis of flow and pressure changes through explanted biobank ventricular catheters
S8. Gwendolyn Williams – 5 In-vitro evaluation of shunt valve flow dynamics
S8. Kaito Kawamura – Brain pathologic change due to ciliary dysfunction in chronic hydrocephalus model mice
S8. Koichiro Sakamoto – Acute hydrocephalus and cortical neurodegeneration in Dnah5 knockout mice, exploring mechanisms and path
S8. Lenadro Castaneyra Ruiz – Modulation of TLR-calpain pathway may prevent acquired hydrocephalus
S8. Maria Garcia Bonilla – What can be learned from hydrocephalus induction failures
S8. Mark Luciano – Exploring the influence of catheter materials on neuroinflammation and the intracranial microbiome
S3. Chifumi Iseki – Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus iNPH is common among noneagenarian in the Takahata Cohort
S3. Gianpaolo Petrella – In 2023 is NPH still underdiagnosed. The social and economic burden of the problem
S3. Liliana Mazza – iNPH in advanced age, profiling patients through quantitative variables
S11. Per Kristian Eide – Characteristics of human meningeal lymphatic vessels
S11. Sara Qvarlander – Cerebrospinal fluid formation rate in normal pressure hydrocephalus
S13. Adela Bubenikova – Diffusion Tensor Imaging helps identify shunt-responsive Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus patients amongst
S13. Elizabeth Cray – The relationship between dual-task cost and cognitive performance among patients with probable idiopathic
S13. Eric Schmidt – Long-term care in older person suspected of iNPH
S13. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – Cognitive changes after Tap Test in patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S13. Zofia Czosnyka – Thirty years of experience in CSF dynamics testing in adult hydrocephalus
S16. Alexandria Lewis – Blood GFAP, NFL and abeta42,40 Correlate Modestly With CSF levels in iNPH But Do Not Predict Short Term
S16. Cristopher Roberts – Influence of ventricular size and surgical approach on flow distribution in ventricular catheters
S16. Kanza Tariq – Watkins 2.0, the next generation In Gait-Assessment apps For Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus And decompensated
S16. Ki-Su Park – Machine learning analysis of voice data from patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus
S16. Marek Czosnyka – Shunt testing in vivo, Performance of Certas Valve integrated with SiphonGuard
S16. Naoyuki Samejima – LP shunt in the patients with iNPH, Surgical technique
S16. Olivier Baledent – Impact of shunt placement in CSF dynamics
S16. Philip Tipton – Optimizing Gait and Balance Metric Acquisition from The “Tap Test” in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S16. Prashant Hariharan – Unravelling mechanisms driving ventricular catheter obstruction – a multicenter shunt biobank approach
S16. Yasuaki Inoue – Neuralgia after Lumboperitoneal Shunt Can Be Reduced with Surgery under Local Anesthesia
S16. Yoko Shimizu – Quantitative measurement of finger tapping before and after the tap test in idiopathic normal pressure hydro
S11. Francesco Tuniz – AQP4 levels in CSF correlates with clinical severity in iNPH patients. A preliminary report
S11. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – Urinary Incontinence and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Some clues for what is still uncertain
S11. Kanza Tariq – Reproducibility of The Timed 10 meter walking test in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S11. Lucia Darie – Does ventriculomegaly correlate with intelligence and cognition, Neuropsychological findings and profile in l
S11. Mark Luciano – Audiovestibular symptoms in shunted idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S11. Megha Patel – Multi-domain assessment of gait at baseline visit in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S11. Olivier Baledent – Cerebrospinal fluid and intracranial blood rapid interactions in normal pressure hydrocephalus
S19. Linda D’Antona – Prediction of optimal ICP level to achieve normalization of pulse amplitude
S19. Magdalena Kasprowicz – Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Pulse Shape Index in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S19. Matthias Jaeger – Relationship between body mass index and intracranial pressure waveform components in a cohort of patient
S19. Michael Williams – Early feasibility study of implantation of a telemetric ICP sensor in a commercial spaceflight participa
S19. Anders Eklund – Characteristics of the M.scio Telemetric ICP Measurement System with Lumbar Catheter
S19. Discussion
S19. Eleanor Moncur – Oscillation of ICP during walking is locked to head motion
S19. Gabriel Mendes – Cut-off point of the noninvasive measurement of intracranial compliance for the diagnosis of idiopathic No
S19. Linda D’Antona – Effect of shunt adjustment on short term telemetric ICP readings
S14. Sarah-Jane Guild – In vivo performance of the Kitea ICP System
S14. Sarah-Jane Guild – Safety of the Kitea ICP implant in the growing brain
S14. Thomas Freiman – Comparison of conventional- und robotic endoscopic third ventriculostomy in occlusive hydrocephalus
S17. Alessandro Pirina – CSF dynamics in long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults
S17. Benjamin Elder – Safety of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement in Patients with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus i
S17. Christopher Carswell – Shunting for idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, a Cochrane Systematic Review
S17. Chunyan Liu – Consistency and sensitivity analysis of instrumental and traditional methods for evaluating the CSF tap test
S17. Elisabeth Cray – Frailty and medium-term overall survival following ventriculoperitoneal shunting for patients with idiopat
S17. Junji Wei – The PUMCH Evaluation System of Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Clinical Practice
S17. Kanza Tariq – Prognostic Significance Of Cerebrospinal Fluid production rate In Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and th
S17. Koichi Miyazaki – Effectiveness of the Clock Drawing test in the Tap Test
S17. Mark Luciano – Placebo–controlled effectiveness in INPH shunting – Study Update
S17. Rodolfo Reis – Efficacy and safety of a novel programmable valve Sphera Pro in the treatment of idiopathic normal pressure
S14. Martin Mersch – AI-trained mixed reality head-mounted display to place ventricular catheters -preliminary data
S14. Raphael Bertani – Use of non-invasive ICP waveform monitoring in a CSF collection laboratory, experience and learning point
S14. Sang Ho Kim – Validation of the Kitea ICP monitoring system over 6 months in sheep
S10. Joel Rasanen – Genome-wide association study in 1022 idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus patients
S10. Johan Eriksson De Ryst – Aquaporin 4 in CSF in a large iNPH-cohort
S10. Loay Shoubash – Endoscopic third ventriculostomy versus Ventriculoperitoneal shunt in the treatment of normal pressure hydr
S10. Sanna Eklund – Vascular risk factors, causes of death and 10-year mortality in INPH
S12. Kanza Tariq – Reversibility of the radiological signs of raised intracranial pressure following intraparenchymal brain tumo
S12. Kyunghun Kang – Distinct cerebral cortical microstructural changes in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus
S12. Lubin Klotz – Iron-sensitive MR imaging of substantia nigra in normal pressure hydrocephalus. A quantitative approach
S12. Matthias Jaeger – Radiological morphological features and the associated intracranial pressure waveform components of idiop
S12. Nicole Keong – Structural volumetric and periodic table DTI patterns in Complex Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus – towards the
S12. Petrice Cogswell – Respiratory and cardiac signal analysis of CSF dynamics in normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer’s
S12. Shigeki Yamada – Advances in 3D and 4D Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid and AI-Based Diagnosis of DESH
S15. Andrew Brodbelt – Defining Chiari, Chiari,Syrinx Aetiology & Surgery Techniques,Redo Surgery
S15. Marcus Stoodley – Surgical Principles, Risks, and Challenging Cases of Syringomyelia
S15. Paolo Bolognese – Complex Chiari,Redo Surgery & MIS Technique
S9. Martin Schmidt – Internal Hydrocephalus in Dogs and Cats – From Animal Models to Veterinary Neurosurgery and Back
S10. Aida Kamalian – Smartphone monitoring of multidomain gait parameters to facilitate remote monitoring of gait in Normal Pres
S10. Christine Chidiac – Age at time of surgery does not influence the outcome in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus – A p
S10. Clara Constantinescu – Prevalence of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus in Sweden – a population- based study of clin
Special Session. ChatGPT jeopardy
S28. Ganesalingam Narenthiran – Contemporary management of patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus – an international survey
S28. Gianpaolo Petrella – Our preliminary experience on the combination of neuropsychological assessment and intrathecal pressur
S28. Ian Coulter – A multidisciplinary team approach to managing normal pressure hydrocephalus, insights from a new service at t
S28. Kim Wouters – Long-term outcomes of normal pressure hydrocephalus patients with CSF shunt, A systematic literature review a
S28. Linda D’Antona – A decade of academic publications on NPH and IIH
S28. Lucia Darie – Variation of intracranial pressure and pulse amplitude amongst different types of hydrocephalic conditions an
S28. Mack Hancock – Concussions and idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, Is there a correlation
S28. Madoka Nakajima – Expression analysis of motor activity related genes to predict idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
S28. Masayuki Yamagishi – The incidence of postdural puncture headache by lumbar puncture in patients with hydrocephalus is lowe
S28. Peter Smielewski – Reversible dementia project, impact on improvement in awareness, diagnosis and management of normal pres
S28. Raphael Bertani – Non-Invasive ICP Waveform Monitoring for Assessment and Treatment Response in CSF Hypotension due to Spon
S28. Sunee Bovonsunthonchai – Temporo-spatial gait parameters alteration after tap test in patients with idiopathic normal press
S28. Tamires Giumaraes Cavalcante Carlos de Carvalho – Exploring neurophysiology through monitoring the ICP waveforms in shunted
S28. Zeid Abussuud – CSF biomarkers as predictive markers of outcome after CSF diversion in patients with normal pressure hydroc
S31. Andreas Spiegelberg – Shift of blood and CSF volume between the intracranial and intraspinal compartments during positional
S31. Arkadiusz Ziolkowski – Analysis of transcranial Doppler pulse waveforms in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus
S31. August von Hardenberg – The importance of hydrostatic compensation in lumboperitoneal shunts in Hydrocephalus communicans
S31. Brandon Rocque – Traumatic stress and shunt failure, a link between psychology and inflammation
S31. Chihiro Kamohara – Verification of the Stroop test Application Software for patients of idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocep
S31. Christopher Roberts – Assessing the relationship between ventricular catheter obstruction and flow using computational flui
S31. David Rowland – Shunting in normal pressure hydrocephalus, Are we reaching their full potential
S31. Ehab El Refaee – Craniometric points for ventricular access, analytical study between history and current trends
S31. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – What can the prevalence of pediatric hydrocephalus in Colombia – an upper-middleincome South-Ame
S31. Kanza Tariq – Impact Of Global Warming On Brain Temperature
S31. Kimi Owashi – Volume changes in cerebral vascular and CSF compartments in hydrocephalus patients
S31. Mohamed Alsawy – Time course and Clinical Presentation variants for Cerebrospinal fluid diversion device failure in Slit ve
S31. Mohammed Nooruldeen Jabbar – Epilepsy in Hydrocephalus Patients
S31. Olivier Baledent – Pulsatility and CSF flow resistance in patients with suspected idiopathic hydrocephalus
S31. Qiong Yang – Two HTRA1-related autosomal dominant cerebral small vessel disease combined normal pressure hydrocephalus
S31. Raphael Bertani – Evaluation of non-invasive ICP waveform and intracranial compliance monitoring technology in a pediatric
S22. Abhay Moghekar – Shunt readmission rates and factors influencing them in hydrocephalus of all etiologies across the age spe
S22. Daniele Piccolo – Cognitive Improvement after Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Surgery in Long-standing Overt Ventriculomeg
S22. Fabian Fluerenbrock – Estimation of ventricular volume changes for smart shunt systems
S22. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – Reversal of apparent cerebral atrophy,Cerebral Pseudoatrophy, in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus p
S22. Kanza Tariq – Impact of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt on Systemic Hypertension
S22. Tamires Giumaraes Cavalcante Carlos de Carvalho – Transcranial direct current stimulation for cognition improvement in post
S25. Eleanor Moncur – ICP dynamics during movement in Chiari malformation and idiopathic intracranial hypertension
S25. Gopiga Thanabalasundaram – IIH Intervention, opening of a randomised clinical trial comparing Dural Venous Sinus Stenting w
S25. Muhammad Ahmad Kamal – Long-term outcomes after dural venous stenting in Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a single cen
S25. Rafael Holmgren – Synthetic MRI, a fast and reliable method for ventricular volumetry
S25. Sara Ho – Correlation of cerebrospinal fluid and plasma adipokines in obese versus non-obese idiopathic intracranial hypert
S25. Thaddeus Harbaugh – A comparison of outcomes between pediatric and adult patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
S28. Aaron Switzer – Patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus have fewer enlarged perivascular spaces in the centrum semioval
S28. Adela Bubenikova – Low Pressure Hydrocephalus
S28. Andreas Eleftheriou – Bowel and urinary incontinence in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
S28. Fatema Rezai – Incidence and outcomes of chronic secondary hydrocephalus at a tertiary neurosurgical centre, a 3.5 year ret
S32. Ajmal Bin Hassan – Telemetric intracranial pressure recordings in patients with shunts for complex hydrocephalus
S32. Hongliang Li – Explore the relationship between global white matter and idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus triad
S32. Ivan Matvejevs – Exchange of Fixed Pressure Gravitational Unit to an Adjustable Gravitational Valve is Safe and Effective P
S32. Ivona Nemeiko – Chiari malformation type 1 without hydrocephalus and third ventriculotomy
S32. Katharina Wolf – Monitoring patients with CSF disorders – potential use of phase-contrast MRI
S32. Linda D’Antona – Trends in ICP waveform in the early postoperative period, Does sedation play a relevant role
S32. Marek Czosnyka – Slow waves of ICP and blood flow velocity in hydrocephalus
S32. Mark Luciano – Bone Regrowth After Burr Hole Craniostomy, Establishing natural history and implications for post-operative
S32. Nicolas Loebig – Phasic alertness and working memory improvements following lumbar puncture in iNPH patients differ from ot
S32. Nicole Keong – Machine Learning-led Exploration of Imaging Biomarkers distinguishing NPH vs. controls, Pilot and Test Pertu
S32. Olivier Baledent – Cerebrospinal fluid oscillations and cerebral blood flows during breathing
S32. Simon Liden – Effect of shunt treatment on Epworth sleepiness scale score in normal pressure hydrocephalus
S32. Yan Xing – Cerebrospinal fluid tau biomarkers show strong potential in early selection for shunt surgery
S26. Katharina Wolf – Non-invasive phase-contrast MRI in idiopathic intracranial hypertension – first promising data from a pros
S26. Katharina Wolf – Potential impact of non-invasive phase-contrast MRI in the diagnosis of spontaneous intracranial hypotensi
S26. Kimi Owashi – Cerebral arterial dynamic in hydrocephalus patients
S26. Linda D’Antona – Optic nerve sheath diameter distension in normal pressure hydrocephalus, a potential marker for shunt resp
S26. Mark Luciano – Intracranial CSF-ISF Flow Patterns in Large Animal Model
S29. Ahmed Al Menabbawy – Beyond antibiotics, the therapeutic benefits of ventricular irrigation for ventriculitis
S29. Francesco Tuniz – mFI11 as a Predictor of Post-Operative Infections in Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Surgery
S29. Ganesalingam Narethiran – Development of web-apps for calculating Evans Index, iNPH Radscale, iNPH Scale and ETVSS
S29. Gianpaolo Petrella – How change the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex in NPH shunted patients, study on the use the Video Head Im
S29. Hisayuki Murai – Callosal angle is more useful than Evans index for postoperative follow-up of normal pressure hydrocephalu
S29. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – Is a Ventriculoatrial Shunt the first-line option for management of hydrocephalus in adult patie
S29. Isabella Mejia Michelsen – When you think the shunt is working, but it’s not, Distal catheter obstruction in patients with
S29. Linda D’Antona – Trends in hydrocephalus and CSF dynamics disorders research, A qualitative analysis of the hydrocephalus s
S29. Michele Dibenedetto – Is the valve really necessary in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus. Lowering the opening pr
S29. Petr Skalicky – Dural venous stenting for treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
S29. Raphael Bertani – Managing Shunt Dysfunction with Non-invasive Intracranial Pressure Waveform Monitoring
S29. Raphael Bertani – Non-invasive P2,P1 Ratio Analysis as a Potential Auxiliary Diagnostic and Follow-up Criterion for Normal
S29. Rodolfo Reis – Do Evans index and callosal angle correlate with neurological improvement after shunt surgery in idiopathic
S29. Silvio De Oliveira Junior – Deaths due to Hydrocephalus treatment in Brazil from 2012 to 2022
S29. Silvio De Oliveira Junior – Exteriorization of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt through the urethra in a pediatric patient, Lit
S29. Silvio De Oliveira Junior – Ventriculo-gallbladder shunt, Literature review and case report
S32. Afroditi Lalou – Cerebral Blood Flow and Autoregulation in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S32. Agnieszka Kazimierska – Changes in the shape of intracranial pressure pulse waveform correlate with cerebrospinal complianc
S23. Guillaume Coll – Mechanical complications of Sophysa SM8 shunt in adult hydrocephalus, a monocentric experience
S23. Leonardo Oliveira – Incidence and nature of complications associated with ventriculoatrial shunt placement
S23. Mark Luciano – Time to Resolution of NPH-associated Subdural Hematomas
S23. Uwe Kehler – Abdominal pain after ventriculoperitoneal shunting for normal pressure hydrocephalus, prevalence, timeline, an
S23. Adam Nunn – Reducing Over-Drainage Complications in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
S23. Gianpaolo Petrella – After 15 years, what is changed in the knowledge of hydrocephalus, Survey of Harold O. Conn 15 years l
S27. Ahmed Toma – Complications of LP Shunts
S27. Fernando Hakim – Complications of VP Shunts
S27. Giorgio Palandri – Complications of VA Shunts
S27. Introduction, Announement Honorary Member, Hazel Jones
S27. Mitsuhito Mase – Complications of Ventricular Shunt Placement
S27. Panel Discussion
S27. Stefanie Kaestner – Avoidable Complications in Hydrocephalus
S30. Discussion
S30. Fernando Pinto – What is the Most Affordable but Still Acceptable Shunt Device
S30. Karin Kockum – Affordable Imaging Techniques with High Predicable Values
S30. Magnus Tisell – Cost of Hydrocephalus Treatment in Developing and Low-Income countries
S30. Sevil Yasar – What is the Age Limit for NPH Treatment
S30. Uwe Kehler – Introduction and, What is the Minimum we Need to Diagnose NPH
S33. Jan Malm – Higlights from Hydrocephalus 2023
S33. Mats Tullberg, Uwe Kehler – Hydrocephalus Society Change of Presidency Ceremony
S33. Mitsuhito Mase – Welcome to Hydrocephalus 2024
S33. Sevil Yasar – Announcement of the Young Investigators Awards Winners
S33. Uwe Kehler – Closing Address
S33. Uwe Kehler – End of Hydrocephalus 2023
S21. Amir El Rahal – Recovery and long-term outcome after neurosurgical closure of spinal CSF leaks in patients with spontaneous
S21. Amir El Rahal – Safety, sequelae, and efficacy of nerve root clipping in patients with spontaneous spinal CSF leaks
S21. Amir El Rahal – Surgical closure of spinal CSF leaks improves symptoms in patients with superficial siderosis
S21. Eric Schmidt – CSF hydrodynamics in prolonged disorders of consciousness
S21. Kanza Tariq – Prognostic significance of cerebrospinal fluid production rate in the management of cerebrospinal fluid leak
S21. Parag Sayal – Spontaneous intracranial hypotension and CSF venous fistula
S24. Bryn Martin – Validation and application of in silico and in vitro modeling to optimize cerebrospinal fluid drug delivery t
S24. Gwendolyn Williams – Quantification of Regional Neural Tissue Strain in Type I Chiari Malformation
S24. Kanza Tariq – Patient-specific automated cerebrospinal fluid pressure control to augment spinal wound closure, A case serie
S24. Klaus D M Resch – Transendoscopic Ultrasound for Neuroendoscopy
S24. Prashant Hariharan – Choroid plexus-on-a-chip, a microfluidic model to study how cerebrospinal fluid secretion and blood-ce